Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yes - there is Lyme in California

PLACER COUNTY (CBS13) – Placer County health officials are warning residents to be cautious after several ticks have tested positive for Lyme Disease in the county.

Health officials say eight tick samples have tested positive for the disease which can cause fever, headache, fatigue and a rash. If left untreated, Lyme disease can affect the joints, hearts and nervous system. Although most people associate tick and Lyme disease with summer months, there has been a population increase since the late fall in Placer County.

“We are concerned that with the milder winter we have been experiencing, a lot of folks will be taking the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, such as hiking in tick habitat, and potentially putting themselves at risk for tick-borne disease,” said Joel Buettner, General Manager of the Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District.

The District advises residents who may be working or recreating in tick habitat to exercise caution and implement the following tick-borne prevention strategies:
• Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts. Tuck pant legs into boots or socks and tuck shirts into pants.
• Wear light-colored clothing so ticks can be easily seen.
• Apply a repellent, such as DEET, registered for use against ticks. Always follow directions on the container and be careful when applying to children. Before entering tick habitat, permethrin spray may be applied to clothing to kill ticks.
• Stay in the middle of the trail. Avoid trail margins, brush and grassy areas.
• Inspect yourself frequently for ticks while in tick habitats. Once out of tick habitat, thoroughly check your entire body for ticks up to three days after being in tick areas. Parents should examine their children, especially on the scalp, hairline and skin folds.

For more information on ticks in Placer County, contact the Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District at (888) 768-2343 or visit View Article

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